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WinFax PRO and Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003

 Does Outlook 2003 or 2007 Crash when you exit Outlook? Did this problem start after you installed WinFax PRO 10? If so, check to see if you have “WinFax Logs” linked in Outlook 2003 or 2007. 

Note that Outlook 2007 is not compatible with WinFax PRO – you cannot use Outlook 2007 contacts with WinFax, and the fixes noted below do not resolve phonebook/contact compatibility issues with Outlook 2007 and WinFax PRO

There are three solutions to this problem

Solution #1

If you are a WinFax Forums premium member, you can download the file to fix this here:  Outlook Patch If you are not yet a member, you can find out more details on becoming a Premium Forum member

NOTE: This does not delete your logs in WinFax PRO, it only removes the link in Outlook to your WinFax logs.  You can continue using your Outlook 2003 contacts in WinFax PRO. Outlook 2007 IS NOT SUPPORTED at all in WinFax PRO.

Solution #2

1. Start Microsoft Outlook 2003 or 2007
2. Click on File, Data File Management.
3. In the list, you will see “WinFax Logs“, if so, Select “WinFax Logs” from the list and click “Remove“.
4. Verify you selected “WinFax Logs” and then click “Yes” to confirm removal of the data-file.  (WARNING: Be sure you only select and remove the WinFax Logs folder)

NOTE: This does not delete your logs in WinFax PRO, it only removes the link in Outlook to your WinFax logs.  You can continue using your Outlook 2003 contacts in WinFax PRO. Outlook 2007 IS NOT SUPPORTED at all in WinFax PRO.

Solution #3

If you can’t perform the above steps because Outlook won’t start properly (crashes, hangs) after installing WinFax PRO 10.0x, then try the following steps:

1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Mail icon. (If the MAIL icon does not appear, try switching to CLASSIC VIEW)
3. Click on the Data Files button.
4. Select “WinFax Logs” from the list and click “Remove”. (If you are using Outlook 2007 you will need to click on the Data Files tab first.)
5. Verify you clicked “WinFax Logs” and then click “Yes” to confirm removal of the “WinFax Log” data-file.   (WARNING: Be sure you only select and remove the WinFax Logs folder)

NOTE: This does not delete your logs in WinFax PRO, it only removes the link in Outlook to your WinFax logs.  You can continue using your Outlook 2003 contacts in WinFax PRO. Outlook 2007 IS NOT SUPPORTED at all in WinFax PRO.