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Adjusting macro security levels in Microsoft Word XP/2002/2003

IT IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ALWAYS USE HIGH LEVEL SECURITY IN MICROSOFT WORD AND DO NOT RUN UN-SIGNED MACROS From an unknown source. Malware payloads distributed as a Microsoft Word document may contain macros that can download and infect malware on your computer. This document applies to Microsoft Word XP, 2002 and 2003.

To adjust security settings in Microsoft Word click Tools, Macros, Security.

If you use High Level Security in Word

If you are using High Security level in Word, after you install the FaxTalk Macro you will be presented with a warning dialog box. This warning prevents macros you are not aware of from executing. The following steps will allow you to confirm to Microsoft Word that the FaxTalk Merge Macro is safe, and allow Word to execute this specific macro without any further security warning dialog boxes.

In Word XP/2002/2003, the security warning dialog box will appear:
Select the option “Always trust macros from this publisher” after confirming the dialog box indicates macros by ( Now click the Enable Macros button.

Each time you start Word you are no longer warned about the security of the FaxTalk macro, as it is now trusted.

If you use Medium Macro Security level in Microsoft Word

If you are using Medium Security level in Word, a similar dialog box will appear requesting you to enable or disable the macro. Confirm the macros are by ( and then click Enable Macro. You will have to repeat this step each time you start Microsoft Word. If you want to trust this macro and omit this additional step, you must follow the instructions as described in the section “If you use High Macro Level Security in Microsoft Word”.

If you use Low Macro Security level in Microsoft Word (Not Recommended)

If you are using Low Security level in Word, the macro will automatically start and no dialog box will appear. Although this a legitimate macro and completely safe, you may want to set your security to Medium or High so you have control of what other macros may be executing in Microsoft Office. For more details on security please see the Microsoft Office documentation.

You should now see the FaxTalk icon in the toolbar, a FaxTalk option from the File Menu and FaxTalk Macro Setup and FaxTalk Mail Merge from the Tools Menu.

NOTE: If you do not see the FaxTalk menu options or the FaxTalk icon on your Word toolbar, click Tools, Templates and Add-Ins and enable the “” add-in.

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