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Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment when clicking on a Fax Merge icon

This error message can appear if you've installed the Microsoft Word XP / 2003 and the Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013 version of the FaxTalk Merge installation files on the same computer.


  1. In Windows, Point to Search or Find, and search for Programs & Files or All Files and Folders. In the Named field, type: FaxTalk2k7.dotm and then click Search. The default location for this file should be in the Office/Startup or OfficeXX/Startup folder (where XX represents the numerical version of Microsoft Office installed, Office XP=9, Office 2003=10, Office 2007=11, Office 2010=12, Office 2013=14).
  2. Repeat the search for the file “”.


  • If you are using Microsoft Word 2013/2010/2007 you should not have the “” file present in the Office/Startup or OfficeXX/Startup folder. Remove/delete the file and restart Microsoft Word 2013/2010/2007. 
  • If you are using Microsoft Word XP/2003 you should not have the “FaxTalk2K7.dotm” file installed in the Office/Startup or OfficeXX/Startup folder. Remove/delete the FaxTalk2K7.dotm file and restart Microsoft Word 2003 or Microsoft Word XP.


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