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WinFax PRO closes down when entering phone and fax numbers, CSID or changing area code, dialing codes.

If you’ve recently upgraded your Windows XP computer to include Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 7, Service Pack 2, or the latest Service Pack 3, and you use WinFax PRO or TalkWorks PRO, you may have encountered a problem entering fax numbers in a phonebook. You may have also encountered problems during the installation or setup – such as, entering a fax number, an IP address, dialing settings, area codes, passwords, or CSID (Caller Station Identifer).

How to determine which version of WinFax PRO 10 you have installed.

Note: The technical information provided below is provided for legacy information only. Symantec WinFax PRO 10 is the last version of WinFax to be released, it comes in five different revisions, 10.0, 10.01, 10.02, 10.03 and 10.04 (often incorrectly called 10.4). Our WinFax Tools application (click the WinFax Info button) can tell you immediately the version […]